MLK Quote

MLK Quote

Nature's Inspiration Movie -- Nature's Inspiration Movie: The photographs in this short video are from award-winning photographer, Ken Jenkins, and they are breathtaking. However, this video is much more than beautiful photographs! Peggy Anderson has compiled beautiful quotations from the likes of Emerson, Thoreau, and many others that truly capture the beauty of nature and solitude. Absolute must watch for nature lovers.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Writer's Block

I am going through a writer's block. Well no can blame me with the weather being that of freezing temperature, ice, snow and slushy rain. Actually, I am overwhelmed with all my teaching load and course development projects. But, still I could not resist taking out some time and post this information here. Today, I came to know about Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree. It fascinated me so much that I decided to post about it here.

Here is a picture of the tree that I copied from

The tree apparently shed barks and reveals barks of various colors like blue, green, orange, purple, brown. It can be found in Hawaii, Philippines, and more pictures can be found here .

Here is a video .


  1. Once workload eases off you'll be inspired to write again :)

  2. I hope so, Mark and Gaz :-). Any chance you guys ever saw these plants in live?

  3. I have never even heard about Rainbow Eucalyptus, had to look it up, wish I could grow one but I don't think they would survive the winter in London!

  4. Beautiful! I was imagining how Chameleon will change on this tree will be so interesting.

  5. I thought I had commented on this when I visited, obviously not, sorry!
    I love that Rainbow Eucalyptus. I've been to the Philippines 12 times and have never seen one - I must look out next time I'm there (next year hopefully).
